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The KonMari Method: Less Is More

When it comes to the annual New Year cleaning, it's not just about brooms, towels, or cleaning agents; it's about the "KonMari Method."

The KonMari Method, which has gained popularity in recent years, originated in Japan and revolves around the idea of "discarding what you don't need, letting go of excess, and breaking free from attachment to belongings." Essentially, it's a process of decluttering, eliminating unnecessary possessions, and achieving a simpler, more spiritually abundant life. This practice began with physical living spaces but has since extended to how we interact with people and handle relationships.

Letting go is often the hardest part. Humans are emotional creatures who form attachments and sentimental bonds with every item, imbuing them with memories and value. The act of hoarding or clinging to objects is sometimes seen as an expression of gratitude. Items that are still in good condition but are rarely used tend to accumulate over time.

To practice the KonMari Method, it's recommended to start with items that haven't been used for over two years. These items are less likely to be needed in the future. When living with family members, shared possessions like kitchen appliances, living room bookshelves, and children's toys often occupy significant storage space, reducing available living space. Therefore, it's advisable to declutter and clean together during the annual New Year cleaning.

1. Unused Kitchen Gadgets, Food, and Seasonings

Pots, pans, kitchen gadgets, snacks, tea bags, and various unopened seasonings are often overlooked during decluttering. Some people enjoy collecting various kitchen gadgets and brand-name tableware. Others tend to over-purchase food and snacks, often leading to expired items piling up. Additionally, buying in bulk to save money results in an overcrowded refrigerator. It's essential to be mindful of our purchases and not be enticed by bargains.

2. Overcrowded Bookshelves

Many people accumulate old books that have been gathering dust on bookshelves. These books often hold little monetary value, and if they're unopened or unfinished, consider giving them to friends or donating them to secondhand bookstores.

3. Clothes, Accessories, and Cosmetics

Facing a wardrobe filled with outdated or ill-fitting clothes, many hope to lose weight or believe that fashion trends will come back around. This leads to an ever-growing collection of clothing.

Begin by discarding items that fall into these categories: 1) Shoes that no longer fit, are too old, or too dirty. 2) Yellowed or damaged clothing. 3) Costume jewelry bought for special occasions. Keep a few items for special occasions, but let go of the rest.

4. Sentimental Items

Letters, cards, and small gifts from past relationships often hold deep sentimental value. These are challenging to discard, but it's essential to cherish memories in our hearts rather than through physical objects.

5. Items That Don't Fit Your Home's Aesthetic

During various phases of our lives, we may collect certain items like travel souvenirs, promotional figurines, or accumulated knick-knacks. These items may not fit with our home's current design aesthetic, taking up space and causing clutter. To simplify your living space, consider parting with such items.

6. Streamline Information Consumption

In today's information-saturated world, optimizing what you consume daily is crucial. Take the time to differentiate between useful and unnecessary information. Clean up your digital life by unsubscribing from irrelevant content, unfollowing acquaintances on social media, and deleting unused apps from your phone. By starting with your smartphone, you can reclaim valuable time.

Finally, remember that disposing of items doesn't necessarily mean sending them to the landfill. There are other ways to give these items a second life: 1) Give them to friends or family. 2) Donate them to charitable organizations to help those in need. 3) Sell or trade them for money or other items.

Most importantly, adjust your shopping habits by asking yourself, "Do I truly need this?" before making a purchase. This mindset shift can reduce waste and lighten the load on your mind and space. Less is indeed more.

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