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Commercial Renovation

Commercial Renovation

Commercial renovations are typically categorized into storefronts, mall shops, offices, and restaurants. Before initiating the renovation, you should coordinate with the following:


Property Owners / Malls:

After signing the lease, most landlords provide a 14-day to one-month "rent-free period." This is designed to allow tenants to prepare before the rent is charged. However, if the landlord or mall has high requirements for the tenants, they might demand that design plans be submitted for approval. The approval process varies, and in some cases, tenants might not be allowed to start work until approval is granted, consuming the "rent-free period."


DECOLAND's Advice:

To save time, it's advised to understand the "rent-free period" and all related requirements before signing the lease. Collaborate closely with your renovation company to plan accordingly, including interior design, time required for renovation, and sourcing necessary materials. Once the design is approved, commence the renovation as quickly as possible to ensure an expedited opening.​

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Property Management

The property management office not only reviews documents related to the renovation but also imposes various restrictions and requirements. These can include construction hours, noise control, and protection measures for common areas, all of which directly influence the construction timeline. Additionally, there might be specific nominated sub-contractors assigned by the property management. Some property managements may engage these sub-contractors for particular tasks, such as false ceiling installations or air-conditioning installment.


DECOLAND's Advice:

Tenants should inform their renovation company about these requirements. The renovation company should then plan accordingly, allocating appropriate manpower for each task. If the renovation involves nominated sub-contractors, it's crucial to understand their availability to avoid delays in the overall renovation schedule.​

Government Departments

Renovations for commercial property must adhere to the relevant legal requirements. Among all types of commercial establishments, eateries have the most intricate rules to follow. Essentially, there are four areas to consider: "Wind," "Fire," "Water," and "Electricity." "Wind" pertains to air-conditioning and ventilation facilities; "Fire" relates to fire safety regulations, including exit paths and fire prevention systems; "Water" refers to plumbing, which involves coordination with multiple government departments, hence a complex application process; "Electricity" is about the power supply, where business owners must calculate their power requirements based on their industry.


DECOLAND's Advice:

Tenants should choose a renovation company with a solid reputation and experience. The construction company in charge should possess relevant licenses, such as plumbing licenses, electrical contractor permits, and fire safety contractor accreditations. This minimizes potential legal issues stemming from improper construction processes and ensures a smooth business opening.​


The final consideration for commercial renovation is the utilization of interior space and the design of the brand image. To leave a lasting impression and offer a superior customer experience, designers must ensure that the store layout aligns with the brand's identity. We advise business owners to establish their brand positioning and image before seeking a renovation team. This makes communication with interior designers more effective.

In addition to offering renovation design services, DECOLAND also provides brand design support, including company logo design, website design, etc. Our one-stop service ensures a hassle-free business opening!​

Commercial Renovation Featured Renovated Cases

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